September 22, 2019

Genetic adaptation of a mevalonate pathway deficient mutant in Staphylococcus aureus.

In this study we addressed the question how a mevalonate (MVA)-auxotrophic Staphylococcus aureus?mvaS mutant can revert to prototrophy. This mutant couldn’t grow in the absence of MVA. However, after a long lag-phase of 4-6 days the mutant adapted from auxotrophic to prototrophic phenotype. During that time, it acquired two point mutations: One mutation in the coding region of the regulator gene spx, which resulted in an amino acid exchange that decreased Spx function. The other mutation in the upstream-element within the core-promoter of the mevalonolactone lactonase gene drp35. This mutation led to an increased expression of drp35. In repeated experiments the mutations always occurred in spx and drp35 and in the same order. The first detectable mutation appeared in spx and allowed slight growth; the second mutation, in drp35, increased growth further. Phenotypical characterizations of the mutant showed that small amounts of the lipid-carrier undecaprenol are synthesized, despite the lack of mvaS. The growth of the adapted clone, ?mvaSad, indicates that the mutations reawake a rescue bypass. We think that this bypass enters the MVA pathway at the stage of MVA, because blocking the pathway downstream of MVA led to growth arrest of the mutant. In addition, the lactonase Drp35 is able to convert mevalonolactone to MVA. Summarized, we describe here a mutation-based two-step adaptation process that allows resuscitation of growth of the ?mvaS mutant.

September 22, 2019

Comparing two Mycobacterium tuberculosis genomes from Chinese immigrants with native genomes using mauve alignments.

The number of immigrants with tuberculosis (TB) increases each year in South Korea. Determining the transmission dynamics based on whole genome sequencing (WGS) to cluster the strains has been challenging.WGS, annotation refinement, and orthology assignment for the GenBank accession number acquisition were performed on two clinical isolates from Chinese immigrants. In addition, the genomes of the two isolates were compared with the genomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates, from two native Korean and five native Chinese individuals using a phylogenetic topology tree based on the Multiple Alignment of Conserved Genomic Sequence with Rearrangements (Mauve) package.The newly assigned accession numbers for two clinical isolates were CP020381.2 (a Korean-Chinese from Yanbian Province) and CP022014.1 (a Chinese from Shandong Province), respectively. Mauve alignment classified all nine TB isolates into a discriminative collinear set with matched regions. The phylogenetic analysis revealed a rooted phylogenetic tree grouping the nine strains into two lineages: strains from Chinese individuals and strains from Korean individuals.Phylogenetic trees based on the Mauve alignments were supposed to be useful in revealing the dynamics of TB transmission from immigrants in South Korea, which can provide valuable information for scaling up the TB screening policy for immigrants. Copyright©2018. The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases.

September 22, 2019

Genome-based population structure analysis of the strawberry plant pathogen Xanthomonas fragariae reveals two distinct groups that evolved independently before its species description.

Xanthomonas fragariae is a quarantine organism in Europe, causing angular leaf spots on strawberry plants. It is spreading worldwide in strawberry-producing regions due to import of plant material through trade and human activities. In order to resolve the population structure at the strain level, we have employed high-resolution molecular typing tools on a comprehensive strain collection representing global and temporal distribution of the pathogen. Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat regions (CRISPRs) and variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) were identified within the reference genome of X. fragariae LMG 25863 as a potential source of variation. Strains from our collection were whole-genome sequenced and used in order to identify variable spacers and repeats for discriminative purpose. CRISPR spacer analysis and multiple-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) displayed a congruent population structure, in which two major groups and a total of four subgroups were revealed. The two main groups were genetically separated before the first X. fragariae isolate was described and are potentially responsible for the worldwide expansion of the bacterial disease. Three primer sets were designed for discriminating CRISPR-associated markers in order to streamline group determination of novel isolates. Overall, this study describes typing methods to discriminate strains and monitor the pathogen population structure, more especially in the view of a new outbreak of the pathogen.

September 22, 2019

PBHoover and CigarRoller: a method for confident haploid variant calling on Pacific Biosciences data and its application to heterogeneous population analysis

Motivation: Single Molecule Real-Time (SMRT) sequencing has important and underutilized advantages that amplification-based platforms lack. Lack of systematic error (e.g. GC-bias), complete de novo assembly (including large repetitive regions) without scaffolding, can be mentioned. SMRT sequencing, however suffers from high random error rate and low sequencing depth (older chemistries). Here, we introduce PBHoover, software that uses a heuristic calling algorithm in order to make base calls with high certainty in low coverage regions. This software is also capable of mixed population detection with high sensitivity. PBHoovertextquoterights CigarRoller attachment improves sequencing depth in low-coverage regions through CIGAR-string correction. Results: We tested both modules on 348 M.tuberculosis clinical isolates sequenced on C1 or C2 chemistries. On average, CigarRoller improved percentage of usable read count from 68.9% to 99.98% in C1 runs and from 50% to 99% in C2 runs. Using the greater depth provided by CigarRoller, PBHoover was able to make base and variant calls 99.95% concordant with Sanger calls (QV33). PBHoover also detected antibiotic-resistant subpopulations that went undetected by Sanger. Using C1 chemistry, subpopulations as small as 9% of the total colony can be detected by PBHoover. This provides the most sensitive amplification-free molecular method for heterogeneity analysis and is in line with phenotypic methodstextquoteright sensitivity. This sensitivity significantly improves with the greater depth and lower error rate of the newer chemistries. Availability and Implementation: Executables are freely available under GNU GPL v3+ at and PBHoover is also available on bioconda:

September 22, 2019

Integrating long-range connectivity information into de Bruijn graphs.

The de Bruijn graph is a simple and efficient data structure that is used in many areas of sequence analysis including genome assembly, read error correction and variant calling. The data structure has a single parameter k, is straightforward to implement and is tractable for large genomes with high sequencing depth. It also enables representation of multiple samples simultaneously to facilitate comparison. However, unlike the string graph, a de Bruijn graph does not retain long range information that is inherent in the read data. For this reason, applications that rely on de Bruijn graphs can produce sub-optimal results given their input data.We present a novel assembly graph data structure: the Linked de Bruijn Graph (LdBG). Constructed by adding annotations on top of a de Bruijn graph, it stores long range connectivity information through the graph. We show that with error-free data it is possible to losslessly store and recover sequence from a Linked de Bruijn graph. With assembly simulations we demonstrate that the LdBG data structure outperforms both our de Bruijn graph and the String Graph Assembler (SGA). Finally we apply the LdBG to Klebsiella pneumoniae short read data to make large (12 kbp) variant calls, which we validate using PacBio sequencing data, and to characterize the genomic context of drug-resistance genes.Linked de Bruijn Graphs and associated algorithms are implemented as part of McCortex, which is available under the MIT license at data are available at Bioinformatics online.

September 22, 2019

Tracing genomic divergence of Vibrio bacteria in the Harveyi clade.

The mechanism of bacterial speciation remains a topic of tremendous interest. To understand the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms of speciation in Vibrio bacteria, we analyzed the genomic dissimilarities between three closely related species in the so-called Harveyi clade of the genus Vibrio, V. campbellii, V. jasicida, and V. hyugaensis The analysis focused on strains isolated from diverse geographic locations over a long period of time. The results of phylogenetic analyses and calculations of average nucleotide identity (ANI) supported the classification of V. jasicida and V. hyugaensis into two species. These analyses also identified two well-supported clades in V. campbellii; however, strains from both clades were classified as members of the same species. Comparative analyses of the complete genome sequences of representative strains from the three species identified higher syntenic coverage between genomes of V. jasicida and V. hyugaensis than that between the genomes from the two V. campbellii clades. The results from comparative analyses of gene content between bacteria from the three species did not support the hypothesis that gene gain and/or loss contributed to their speciation. We also did not find support for the hypothesis that ecological diversification toward associations with marine animals contributed to the speciation of V. jasicida and V. hyugaensis Overall, based on the results obtained in this study, we propose that speciation in Harveyi clade species is a result of stochastic diversification of local populations, which was influenced by multiple evolutionary processes, followed by extinction events.IMPORTANCE To investigate the mechanisms underlying speciation in the genus Vibrio, we provided a well-assembled reference of genomes and performed systematic genomic comparisons among three evolutionarily closely related species. We resolved taxonomic ambiguities and identified genomic features separating the three species. Based on the study results, we propose a hypothesis explaining how species in the Harveyi clade of Vibrio bacteria diversified. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

September 22, 2019

Extensive genomic diversity among Mycobacterium marinum strains revealed by whole genome sequencing.

Mycobacterium marinum is the causative agent for the tuberculosis-like disease mycobacteriosis in fish and skin lesions in humans. Ubiquitous in its geographical distribution, M. marinum is known to occupy diverse fish as hosts. However, information about its genomic diversity is limited. Here, we provide the genome sequences for 15 M. marinum strains isolated from infected humans and fish. Comparative genomic analysis of these and four available genomes of the M. marinum strains M, E11, MB2 and Europe reveal high genomic diversity among the strains, leading to the conclusion that M. marinum should be divided into two different clusters, the “M”- and the “Aronson”-type. We suggest that these two clusters should be considered to represent two M. marinum subspecies. Our data also show that the M. marinum pan-genome for both groups is open and expanding and we provide data showing high number of mutational hotspots in M. marinum relative to other mycobacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This high genomic diversity might be related to the ability of M. marinum to occupy different ecological niches.

September 22, 2019

The complete methylome of an entomopathogenic bacterium reveals the existence of loci with unmethylated adenines.

DNA methylation can serve to control diverse phenomena in eukaryotes and prokaryotes, including gene regulation leading to cell differentiation. In bacteria, DNA methylomes (i.e., methylation state of each base of the whole genome) have been described for several species, but methylome profile variation during the lifecycle has rarely been studied, and only in a few model organisms. Moreover, major phenotypic changes have been reported in several bacterial strains with a deregulated methyltransferase, but the corresponding methylome has rarely been described. Here we report the first methylome description of an entomopathogenic bacterium, Photorhabdus luminescens. Eight motifs displaying a high rate of methylation (>94%) were identified. The methylome was strikingly stable over course of growth, but also in a subpopulation responsible for a critical step in the bacterium’s lifecycle: successful survival and proliferation in insects. The rare unmethylated GATC motifs were preferentially located in putative promoter regions, and most of them were methylated after Dam methyltransferase overexpression, suggesting that DNA methylation is involved in gene regulation. Our findings bring key insight into bacterial methylomes and encourage further research to decipher the role of loci protected from DNA methylation in gene regulation.

September 22, 2019

Complete genome of streamlined marine actinobacterium Pontimonas salivibrio strain CL-TW6T adapted to coastal planktonic lifestyle.

Pontimonas salivibrio strain CL-TW6T (=KCCM 90105?=?JCM18206) was characterized as the type strain of a new genus within the Actinobacterial family Microbacteriaceae. It was isolated from a coastal marine environment in which members of Microbactericeae have not been previously characterized.The genome of P. salivibrio CL-TW6T was a single chromosome of 1,760,810 bp. Genomes of this small size are typically found in bacteria growing slowly in oligotrophic zones and said to be streamlined. Phylogenetic analysis showed it to represent a lineage originating in the Microbacteriaceae radiation occurring before the snowball Earth glaciations, and to have a closer relationship with some streamlined bacteria known through metagenomic data. Several genomic characteristics typical of streamlined bacteria are found: %G?+?C is lower than non-streamlined members of the phylum; there are a minimal number of rRNA and tRNA genes, fewer paralogs in most gene families, and only two sigma factors; there is a noticeable absence of some nonessential metabolic pathways, including polyketide synthesis and catabolism of some amino acids. There was no indication of any phage genes or plasmids, however, a system of active insertion elements was present. P. salivibrio appears to be unusual in having polyrhamnose-based cell wall oligosaccharides instead of mycolic acid or teichoic acid-based oligosaccharides. Oddly, it conducts sulfate assimilation apparently for sulfating cell wall components, but not for synthesizing amino acids. One gene family it has more of, rather than fewer of, are toxin/antitoxin systems, which are thought to down-regulate growth during nutrient deprivation or other stressful conditions.Because of the relatively small number of paralogs and its relationship to the heavily characterized Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we were able to heavily annotate the genome of P. salivibrio CL-TW6T. Its streamlined status and relationship to streamlined metagenomic constructs makes it an important reference genome for study of the streamlining concept. The final evolutionary trajectory of CL-TW6 T was to adapt to growth in a non-oligotrophic coastal zone. To understand that adaptive process, we give a thorough accounting of gene content, contrasting with both oligotrophic streamlined bacteria and large genome bacteria, and distinguishing between genes derived by vertical and horizontal descent.

September 22, 2019

In vivo evolution of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients during long-term treatment.

In the current scenario, the drug-resistant tuberculosis is a significant challenge in the control of tuberculosis worldwide. In order to investigate the in vivo evolution of drug-resistant M. tuberculosis, the present study envisaged sequencing of the draft genomes of 18 serial isolates from four pre-extensively drug-resistant (pre-XDR) tuberculosis patients for continuous genetic alterations.All of the isolates harbored single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) ranging from 1303 to 1309 with M. tuberculosis H37Rv as the reference. SNPs ranged from 0 to 12 within patients. The evolution rates were higher than the reported SNPs of 0.5 in the four patients. All the isolates exhibited mutations at sites of known drug targets, while some contained mutations in uncertain drug targets including folC, proZ, and pyrG. The compensatory substitutions for rescuing these deleterious mutations during evolution were only found in RpoC I491T in one patient. Many loci with microheterogeneity showed transient mutations in different isolates. Ninety three SNPs exhibited significant association with refractory pre-XDR TB isolates.Our results showed evolutionary changes in the serial genetic characteristics of the pre-XDR TB patients due to accumulation of the fixed drug-resistant related mutations, and the transient mutations under continuous antibiotics pressure over several years.

September 22, 2019

Molecular basis for the final oxidative rearrangement steps in chartreusin biosynthesis.

Oxidative rearrangements play key roles in introducing structural complexity and biological activities of natural products biosynthesized by type II polyketide synthases (PKSs). Chartreusin (1) is a potent antitumor polyketide that contains a unique rearranged pentacyclic aromatic bilactone aglycone derived from a type II PKS. Herein, we report an unprecedented dioxygenase, ChaP, that catalyzes the final a-pyrone ring formation in 1 biosynthesis using flavin-activated oxygen as an oxidant. The X-ray crystal structures of ChaP and two homologues, docking studies, and site-directed mutagenesis provided insights into the molecular basis of the oxidative rearrangement that involves two successive C-C bond cleavage steps followed by lactonization. ChaP is the first example of a dioxygenase that requires a flavin-activated oxygen as a substrate despite lacking flavin binding sites, and represents a new class in the vicinal oxygen chelate enzyme superfamily.

September 22, 2019

Co-location of the blaKPC-2, blaCTX-M-65, rmtB and virulence relevant factors in an IncFII plasmid from a hypermucoviscous Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate.

Hypervirulent variants of klebsiella pneumoniae (hvKP), which cause serious infections not only healthy individuals, but also the immunocompromised patients, have been increasingly reported recently. One conjugation of a hypermucoviscous strian SWU01 co-carried the resistance gene blaKPC-2 and virulence gene iroN by the PCR detection from three carbapenem-resistance hvKP. To know the genetic context of this plasmid. The whole genome of this strain was sequenced. We got a 162,552-bp plasmid (pSWU01) which co-carried the resistance gene blaKPC-2 and virulence gene iroN. It is composed of a typical IncFII-type backbone, five resistance genes including blaCTX-M-65, blaKPC-2, blaSHV-12, blaTEM-1 and rmtB, and several virulence relevant factors including iroN, traT and toxin-antitoxin systems. The plasmid pSWU01 co-carrying the multidrug resistance determinants and virulence relevant factors from the hypermucoviscous K. pneumoniae represents a novel therapeutic challenge. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

September 22, 2019

Genome-wide SNP and InDel mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis associated with rifampicin and isoniazid resistance

Objective: Multiple resistances to isoniazid and rifampicin lead to the majority of death associated with M. tuberculosis infection. This study aimed to characterize the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion and deletion (InDel) mutations associated with isoniazid and rifampicin resistance. Methods: The M. tuberculosis strain H37Rv was cultured and treated with isoniazid or rifampicin for generations. Total DNA samples from different generations were extracted for construction of DNA library, and the SNP and InDel mutation in different samples were detected by whole genome sequencing. Bioinformatics analysis such as phylogenetic tree and heap map were also performed. Results: Totally 58 nonsynonymous SNP mutations, 64 synonymous SNP mutations, and 99 SNP mutations in intergenic regions were detected in M. tuberculosis strains treated with rifampicin or isoniazid. Seven InDel mutations were found in the intergenic regions, and also six frameshift InDel mutation and three non- frameshift InDel mutations were also characterized. The phylogenetic tree showed clustering of all samples into three main subgroups. A great number of known and newly identified genes associated with drug resistance were detected in M. tuberculosis, showing distinct mutation patterns. Conclusion: By whole genome sequencing, many genetic mutations in both known and new genes associated with isoniazid and rifampicin resistance were charac- terized in M. tuberculosis.

September 22, 2019

Distinct genomic features characterize two clades of Corynebacterium diphtheriae: Proposal of Corynebacterium diphtheriae subsp. diphtheriae subsp. nov. and Corynebacterium diphtheriae subsp. lausannense subsp. nov.

Corynebacterium diphtheriae is the etiological agent of diphtheria, a disease caused by the presence of the diphtheria toxin. However, an increasing number of records report non-toxigenic C. diphtheriae infections. Here, a C. diphtheriae strain was recovered from a patient with a past history of bronchiectasis who developed a severe tracheo-bronchitis with multiple whitish lesions of the distal trachea and the mainstem bronchi. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS), performed in parallel with PCR targeting the toxin gene and the Elek test, provided clinically relevant results in a short turnaround time, showing that the isolate was non-toxigenic. A comparative genomic analysis of the new strain (CHUV2995) with 56 other publicly available genomes of C. diphtheriae revealed that the strains CHUV2995, CCUG 5865 and CMCNS703 share a lower average nucleotide identity (ANI) (95.24 to 95.39%) with the C. diphtheriae NCTC 11397T reference genome than all other C. diphtheriae genomes (>98.15%). Core genome phylogeny confirmed the presence of two monophyletic clades. Based on these findings, we propose here two new C. diphtheriae subspecies to replace the lineage denomination used in previous multilocus sequence typing studies: C. diphtheriae subsp. lausannense subsp. nov. (instead of lineage-2), regrouping strains CHUV2995, CCUG 5865, and CMCNS703, and C. diphtheriae subsp. diphtheriae subsp. nov, regrouping all other C. diphtheriae in the dataset (instead of lineage-1). Interestingly, members of subspecies lausannense displayed a larger genome size than subspecies diphtheriae and were enriched in COG categories related to transport and metabolism of lipids (I) and inorganic ion (P). Conversely, they lacked all genes involved in the synthesis of pili (SpaA-type, SpaD-type and SpaH-type), molybdenum cofactor and of the nitrate reductase. Finally, the CHUV2995 genome is particularly enriched in mobility genes and harbors several prophages. The genome encodes a type II-C CRISPR-Cas locus with 2 spacers that lacks csn2 or cas4, which could hamper the acquisition of new spacers and render strain CHUV2995 more susceptible to bacteriophage infections and gene acquisition through various mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer.

September 22, 2019

Natural selection in bats with historical exposure to white-nose syndrome

Hibernation allows animals to survive periods of resource scarcity by reducing their energy expenditure through decreased metabolism. However, hibernators become susceptible to psychrophilic pathogens if they cannot mount an efficient immune response to infection. While Nearctic bats infected with white-nose syndrome (WNS) suffer high mortality, related Palearctic taxa are better able to survive the disease than their Nearctic counterparts. We hypothesised that WNS exerted historical selective pressure in Palearctic bats, resulting in genomic changes that promote infection tolerance.

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