July 7, 2019

Genome-guided design of a defined mouse microbiota that confers colonization resistance against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.

Protection against enteric infections, also termed colonization resistance, results from mutualistic interactions of the host and its indigenous microbes. The gut microbiota of humans and mice is highly diverse and it is therefore challenging to assign specific properties to its individual members. Here, we have used a collection of murine bacterial strains and a modular design approach to create a minimal bacterial community that, once established in germ-free mice, provided colonization resistance against the human enteric pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Tm). Initially, a community of 12 strains, termed Oligo-Mouse-Microbiota (Oligo-MM(12)), representing members of the major bacterial phyla in the murine gut, was selected. This community was stable over consecutive mouse generations and provided colonization resistance against S. Tm infection, albeit not to the degree of a conventional complex microbiota. Comparative (meta)genome analyses identified functions represented in a conventional microbiome but absent from the Oligo-MM(12). By genome-informed design, we created an improved version of the Oligo-MM community harbouring three facultative anaerobic bacteria from the mouse intestinal bacterial collection (miBC) that provided conventional-like colonization resistance. In conclusion, we have established a highly versatile experimental system that showed efficacy in an enteric infection model. Thus, in combination with exhaustive bacterial strain collections and systems-based approaches, genome-guided design can be used to generate insights into microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions for the investigation of ecological and disease-relevant mechanisms in the intestine.

July 7, 2019

A comprehensive model of DNA fragmentation for the preservation of High Molecular Weight DNA

During DNA extraction the DNA molecule undergoes physical and chemical shearing, causing the DNA to fragment into shorter and shorter pieces. Under common laboratory conditions this fragmentation yields DNA fragments of 5-35 kilobases (kb) in length. This fragment length is more than sufficient for DNA sequencing using short-read technologies which generate reads 50-600 bp in length, but insufficient for long-read sequencing and linked reads where fragment lengths of more than 40 kb may be desirable. This study provides a theoretical framework for quality management to ensure access to high molecular weight DNA in samples. Shearing can be divided into physical and chemical shearing which generate different patterns of fragmentation. Exposure to physical shearing creates a characteristic fragment length where DNA fragments are cut in half by shear stress. This characteristic length can be measured using gel electrophoresis or instruments for DNA fragment analysis. Chemical shearing generates randomly distributed fragment lengths visible as a smear of DNA below the peak fragment length. By measuring the peak of DNA fragment length and the proportion of very short DNA fragments both sources of shearing can be measured using commonly used laboratory techniques, providing a suitable quantification of DNA integrity of DNA for sequencing with long-read technologies.

July 7, 2019

The odyssey of the ancestral Escherich strain through culture collections: an example of allopatric diversification.

More than a century ago, Theodor Escherich isolated the bacterium that was to become Escherichia coli, one of the most studied organisms. Not long after, the strain began an odyssey and landed in many laboratories across the world. As laboratory culture conditions could be responsible for major changes in bacterial strains, we conducted a genome analysis of isolates of this emblematic strain from different culture collections (England, France, the United States, Germany). Strikingly, many discrepancies between the isolates were observed, as revealed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST), the presence of virulence-associated genes, core genome MLST, and single nucleotide polymorphism/indel analyses. These differences are correlated with the phylogeographic history of the strain and were due to an unprecedented number of mutations in coding DNA repair functions such as mismatch repair (MutL) and oxidized guanine nucleotide pool cleaning (MutT), conferring a specific mutational spectrum and leading to a mutator phenotype. The mutator phenotype was probably acquired during subculturing and corresponded to second-order selection. Furthermore, all of the isolates exhibited hypersusceptibility to antibiotics due to mutations in efflux pump- and porin-encoding genes, as well as a specific mutation in the sigma factor-encoding generpoS. These defects reflect a self-preservation and nutritional competence tradeoff allowing survival under the starvation conditions imposed by storage. From a clinical point of view, dealing with such mutator strains can lead microbiologists to draw false conclusions about isolate relatedness and may impact therapeutic effectiveness. IMPORTANCE Mutator phenotypes have been described in laboratory-evolved bacteria, as well as in natural isolates. Several genes can be impacted, each of them being associated with a typical mutational spectrum. By studying one of the oldest strains available, the ancestral Escherich strain, we were able to identify its mutator status leading to tremendous genetic diversity among the isolates from various collections and allowing us to reconstruct the phylogeographic history of the strain. This mutator phenotype was probably acquired during the storage of the strain, promoting adaptation to a specific environment. Other mutations inrpoSand efflux pump- and porin-encoding genes highlight the acclimatization of the strain through self-preservation and nutritional competence regulation. This strain history can be viewed as unintentional experimental evolution in culture collections all over the word since 1885, mimicking the long-term experimental evolution ofE. coliof Lenski et al. (O. Tenaillon, J. E. Barrick, N. Ribeck, D. E. Deatherage, J. L. Blanchard, A. Dasgupta, G. C. Wu, S. Wielgoss, S. Cruveiller, C. Médigue, D. Schneider, and R. E. Lenski, Nature 536:165-170, 2016, that shares numerous molecular features.

July 7, 2019

Complete genome sequence of a heavy metal resistant bacterium Maribacter cobaltidurans B1T, isolated from the deep-sea sediment of the South Atlantic Ocean

Many bacteria in the environment have adopted to the presence of toxic heavy metals. Here we present the complete genome sequence of a heavy metal resistant bacterium, Maribacter cobaltidurans B1T (=CGMCC 1.15508T=KCTC 52882T=MCCC 1K03318T), which was isolated from a deep-sea sediment sample collected from the South Atlantic Ocean. Strain B1T is able to resist high concentrations of Co2+ (10.0mM) in Marine Agar 2216. The genome of strain B1T comprises 4,639,957bp in a circular chromosome with G+C content of 39.7mol%. Resistance to Co2+ is mainly based on efflux system in the genome of stain B1T, including czcCBA operons, czcD genes, corC genes, etc. Comparing with the closely related species M. orientalis DSM 16471T, the genome of B1T harbors twenty more copies of genes in czcCBA operon and two copies of the czcD genes related to Co2+ efflux. The function of these genes may contribute to the high level of cobalt resistance, revealing its potential application in biotechnological industry.

July 7, 2019

Rhodobacter sp. Rb3, an aerobic anoxygenic phototroph which thrives in the polyextreme ecosystem of the Salar de Huasco, in the Chilean Altiplano.

The Salar de Huasco is an evaporitic basin located in the Chilean Altiplano, which presents extreme environmental conditions for life, i.e. high altitude (3800 m.a.s.l.), negative water balance, a wide salinity range, high daily temperature changes and the occurrence of the highest registered solar radiation on the planet (>?1200 W m-2). This ecosystem is considered as a natural laboratory to understand different adaptations of microorganisms to extreme conditions. Rhodobacter, an anoxygenic aerobic phototrophic bacterial genus, represents one of the most abundant groups reported based on taxonomic diversity surveys in this ecosystem. The bacterial mat isolate Rhodobacter sp. strain Rb3 was used to study adaptation mechanisms to stress-inducing factors potentially explaining its success in a polyextreme ecosystem. We found that the Rhodobacter sp. Rb3 genome was characterized by a high abundance of genes involved in stress tolerance and adaptation strategies, among which DNA repair and oxidative stress were the most conspicuous. Moreover, many other molecular mechanisms associated with oxidative stress, photooxidation and antioxidants; DNA repair and protection; motility, chemotaxis and biofilm synthesis; osmotic stress, metal, metalloid and toxic anions resistance; antimicrobial resistance and multidrug pumps; sporulation; cold shock and heat shock stress; mobile genetic elements and toxin-antitoxin system were detected and identified as potential survival mechanism features in Rhodobacter sp. Rb3. In total, these results reveal a wide set of strategies used by the isolate to adapt and thrive under environmental stress conditions as a model of polyextreme environmental resistome.

July 7, 2019

Short genome report of cellulose-producing commensal Escherichia coli 1094.

Bacterial surface colonization and biofilm formation often rely on the production of an extracellular polymeric matrix that mediates cell-cell and cell-surface contacts. In Escherichia coli and many Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria cellulose is often the main component of the extracellular matrix. Here we report the complete genome sequence of the cellulose producing strain E. coli 1094 and compare it with five other closely related genomes within E. coli phylogenetic group A. We present a comparative analysis of the regions encoding genes responsible for cellulose biosynthesis and discuss the changes that could have led to the loss of this important adaptive advantage in several E. coli strains. Data deposition: The annotated genome sequence has been deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive under the accession number PRJEB21000.

July 7, 2019

Emerging mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria and fungi: advances in the era of genomics.

Bacteria and fungi continue to develop new ways to adapt and survive the lethal or biostatic effects of antimicrobials through myriad mechanisms. Novel antibiotic resistance genes such as lsa(C), erm(44), VCC-1, mcr-1, mcr-2, mcr-3, mcr-4, bla KLUC-3 and bla KLUC-4 were discovered through comparative genomics and further functional studies. As well, mutations in genes that hitherto were unknown to confer resistance to antimicrobials, such as trm, PP2C, rpsJ, HSC82, FKS2 and Rv2887, were shown by genomics and transcomplementation assays to mediate antimicrobial resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium, Saccharomyces cerevisae, Candida glabrata and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, respectively. Thus, genomics, transcriptomics and metagenomics, coupled with functional studies are the future of antimicrobial resistance research and novel drug discovery or design.

July 7, 2019

Analysis of resistance genes of clinical Pannonibacter phragmitetus strain 31801 by complete genome sequencing.

To clarify the resistance mechanisms of Pannonibacter phragmitetus 31801, isolated from the blood of a liver abscess patient, at the genomic level, we performed whole genomic sequencing using a PacBio RS II single-molecule real-time long-read sequencer. Bioinformatic analysis of the resulting sequence was then carried out to identify any possible resistance genes. Analyses included Basic Local Alignment Search Tool searches against the Antibiotic Resistance Genes Database, ResFinder analysis of the genome sequence, and Resistance Gene Identifier analysis within the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database. Prophages, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), and other putative virulence factors were also identified using PHAST, CRISPRfinder, and the Virulence Factors Database, respectively. The circular chromosome and single plasmid of P. phragmitetus 31801 contained multiple antibiotic resistance genes, including those coding for three different types of ß-lactamase [NPS ß-lactamase (EC, ß-lactamase class C, and a metal-dependent hydrolase of ß-lactamase superfamily I]. In addition, genes coding for subunits of several multidrug-resistance efflux pumps were identified, including those targeting macrolides (adeJ, cmeB), tetracycline (acrB, adeAB), fluoroquinolones (acrF, ceoB), and aminoglycosides (acrD, amrB, ceoB, mexY, smeB). However, apart from the tripartite macrolide efflux pump macAB-tolC, the genome did not appear to contain the complete complement of subunit genes required for production of most of the major multidrug-resistance efflux pumps.

July 7, 2019

Transposon insertion sequencing elucidates novel gene involvement in susceptibility and resistance to phages T4 and T7 in Escherichia coli O157.

Experiments using bacteriophage (phage) to infect bacterial strains have helped define some basic genetic concepts in microbiology, but our understanding of the complexity of bacterium-phage interactions is still limited. As the global threat of antibiotic resistance continues to increase, phage therapy has reemerged as an attractive alternative or supplement to treating antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Further, the long-used method of phage typing to classify bacterial strains is being replaced by molecular genetic techniques. Thus, there is a growing need for a complete understanding of the precise molecular mechanisms underpinning phage-bacterium interactions to optimize phage therapy for the clinic as well as for retrospectively interpreting phage typing data on the molecular level. In this study, a genomics-based fitness assay (TraDIS) was used to identify all host genes involved in phage susceptibility and resistance for a T4 phage infecting Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli O157. The TraDIS results identified both established and previously unidentified genes involved in phage infection, and a subset were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis and phenotypic testing of 14 T4 and 2 T7 phages. For the first time, the entire sap operon was implicated in phage susceptibility and, conversely, the stringent starvation protein A gene (sspA) was shown to provide phage resistance. Identifying genes involved in phage infection and replication should facilitate the selection of bespoke phage combinations to target specific bacterial pathogens.IMPORTANCE Antibiotic resistance has diminished treatment options for many common bacterial infections. Phage therapy is an alternative option that was once popularly used across Europe to kill bacteria within humans. Phage therapy acts by using highly specific viruses (called phages) that infect and lyse certain bacterial species to treat the infection. Whole-genome sequencing has allowed modernization of the investigations into phage-bacterium interactions. Here, using E. coli O157 and T4 bacteriophage as a model, we have exploited a genome-wide fitness assay to investigate all genes involved in defining phage resistance or susceptibility. This knowledge of the genetic determinants of phage resistance and susceptibility can be used to design bespoke phage combinations targeted to specific bacterial infections for successful infection eradication. Copyright © 2018 Cowley et al.

July 7, 2019

Interpreting whole-genome sequence analyses of foodborne bacteria for regulatory applications and outbreak investigations.

Whole-genome sequence (WGS) analysis has revolutionized the food safety industry by enabling high-resolution typing of foodborne bacteria. Higher resolving power allows investigators to identify origins of contamination during illness outbreaks and regulatory activities quickly and accurately. Government agencies and industry stakeholders worldwide are now analyzing WGS data routinely. Although researchers have published many studies that assess the efficacy of WGS data analysis for source attribution, guidance for interpreting WGS analyses is lacking. Here, we provide the framework for interpreting WGS analyses used by the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). We based this framework on the experiences of CFSAN investigators, collaborations and interactions with government and industry partners, and evaluation of the published literature. A fundamental question for investigators is whether two or more bacteria arose from the same source of contamination. Analysts often count the numbers of nucleotide differences [single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)] between two or more genome sequences to measure genetic distances. However, using SNP thresholds alone to assess whether bacteria originated from the same source can be misleading. Bacteria that are isolated from food, environmental, or clinical samples are representatives of bacterial populations. These populations are subject to evolutionary forces that can change genome sequences. Therefore, interpreting WGS analyses of foodborne bacteria requires a more sophisticated approach. Here, we present a framework for interpreting WGS analyses that combines SNP counts with phylogenetic tree topologies and bootstrap support. We also clarify the roles of WGS, epidemiological, traceback, and other evidence in forming the conclusions of investigations. Finally, we present examples that illustrate the application of this framework to real-world situations.

July 7, 2019

DNA sequences and predicted protein structures of prot6E and sefA genes for Salmonella ser. Enteritidis detection

Genes prot6E and sefA are used as targets for detection of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Enteritidis (Salmonella ser. Enteritidis). We investigated variations in these genes across 64 different Salmonella ser. Enteritidis strains isolated from egg and chicken samples, then used Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) data to model the structures of their protein products. Isolates were sequenced using Illumina technologies. Based on the resulting phylogenetic tree, our isolates clustered in 2 distinct clades. All isolates carried prot6E and sefA. Comparative genomic analyses indicated two non-synonymous mutations (Glycine ? Serine and Valine ? Isoleucine) of prot6E in 11 isolates (9 egg samples, 2 chicken samples). However, SWISS-MODEL was unable to clearly model the protein structure of these two mutations. We identified one non-synonymous mutation (Valine ? Glutamic Acid) in the sefA gene in 4 isolates from egg samples. The model for the protein structure of this mutant gene was clearly different from that of the other isolates studied herein. Circular maps of plasmid genomes from two PacBio platform-sequenced Salmonella ser. Enteritidis isolates revealed prot6E gene was located on the tail of the plasmid. Based on the biosynthesis of amino acids – Reference pathway in the KEGG pathway Database, the transition of amino acid from sefA Var. was a transversion from essential amino acid to non-essential amino acid, while that of prot6E Var.1 happened between the conditionally non-essential amino acid, and prot6E Var. 2 occurred between essential amino acids. Properties of these mutated amino acids, such as side-chain polarity or charge, may contribute to the occurrence and rate of mutations in prot6E and sefA. These insights can be used to improve detection methods for Salmonella ser. Enteritidis.

July 7, 2019

New variant of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium associated with invasive disease in immunocompromised patients in Vietnam.

Nontyphoidal Salmonella (NTS), particularly Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, is among the leading etiologic agents of bacterial enterocolitis globally and a well-characterized cause of invasive disease (iNTS) in sub-Saharan Africa. In contrast, S Typhimurium is poorly defined in Southeast Asia, a known hot spot for zoonotic disease with a recently described burden of iNTS disease. Here, we aimed to add insight into the epidemiology and potential impact of zoonotic transfer and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in S Typhimurium associated with iNTS and enterocolitis in Vietnam. We performed whole-genome sequencing and phylogenetic reconstruction on 85 human (enterocolitis, carriage, and iNTS) and 113 animal S Typhimurium isolates isolated in Vietnam. We found limited evidence for the zoonotic transmission of S Typhimurium. However, we describe a chain of events where a pandemic monophasic variant of S Typhimurium (serovar I:4,[5],12:i:- sequence type 34 [ST34]) has been introduced into Vietnam, reacquired a phase 2 flagellum, and acquired an IncHI2 multidrug-resistant plasmid. Notably, these novel biphasic ST34 S Typhimurium variants were significantly associated with iNTS in Vietnamese HIV-infected patients. Our study represents the first characterization of novel iNTS organisms isolated outside sub-Saharan Africa and outlines a new pathway for the emergence of alternative Salmonella variants into susceptible human populations.IMPORTANCESalmonella Typhimurium is a major diarrheal pathogen and associated with invasive nontyphoid Salmonella (iNTS) disease in vulnerable populations. We present the first characterization of iNTS organisms in Southeast Asia and describe a different evolutionary trajectory from that of organisms causing iNTS in sub-Saharan Africa. In Vietnam, the globally distributed monophasic variant of Salmonella Typhimurium, the serovar I:4,[5],12:i:- ST34 clone, has reacquired a phase 2 flagellum and gained a multidrug-resistant plasmid to become associated with iNTS disease in HIV-infected patients. We document distinct communities of S Typhimurium and I:4,[5],12:i:- in animals and humans in Vietnam, despite the greater mixing of these host populations here. These data highlight the importance of whole-genome sequencing surveillance in a One Health context in understanding the evolution and spread of resistant bacterial infections. Copyright © 2018 Mather et al.

July 7, 2019

Genomic features of the Helicobacter pylori strain PMSS1 and its virulence attributes as deduced from its in vivo colonisation patterns.

The human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori occurs in two basic variants, either exhibiting a functional cagPAI-encoded type-4-secretion-system (T4SS) or not. Only a few cagPAI-positive strains have been successfully adapted for long-term infection of mice, including the pre-mouse Sydney strain 1 (PMSS1). Here we confirm that PMSS1 induces gastric inflammation and neutrophil infiltration in mice, progressing to intestinal metaplasia. Complete genome analysis of PMSS1 revealed 1,423 coding sequences, encompassing the cagPAI gene cluster and, unusually, the location of the cytotoxin-associated gene A (cagA) approximately 15 kb downstream of the island. PMSS1 harbours three genetically exchangeable loci that are occupied by the hopQ coding sequences. HopQ represents a critical co-factor required for the translocation of CagA into the host cell and activation of NF-?B via the T4SS. Long-term colonisation of mice led to an impairment of cagPAI functionality. One of the bacterial clones re-isolated at four months post-infection revealed a mutation in the cagPAI gene cagW, resulting in a frame shift mutation, which prevented CagA translocation, possibly due to an impairment of T4SS function. Rescue of the mutant cagW re-established CagA translocation. Our data reveal intriguing insights into the adaptive abilities of PMSS1, suggesting functional modulation of the H. pylori cagPAI virulence attribute.© 2018 The Authors. Molecular Microbiology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

July 7, 2019

Chromosomal Sil system contributes to silver resistance in E. coli ATCC 8739.

The rise of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria is endangering the efficacy of antibiotics, which consequently results in greater use of silver as a biocide. Chromosomal mapping of the Cus system or plasmid encoded Sil system and their relationship with silver resistance was studied for several gram-negative bacteria. However, only few reports investigated silver detoxification mediated by the Sil system integrated in Escherichia coli chromosome. Accordingly, this work aimed to study the Sil system in E. coli ATCC 8739 and to produce evidence for its role in silver resistance development. Silver resistance was induced in E. coli ATCC 8739 by stepwise passage in culture media containing increasing concentrations of AgNO3. The published genome of E. coli ATCC 8739 contains a region showing strong homology to the Sil system genes. The role of this region in E. coli ATCC 8739 was assessed by monitoring the expression of silC upon silver stress, which resulted in a 350-fold increased expression. De novo sequencing of the whole genome of a silver resistant strain derived from E. coli ATCC 8739 revealed mutations in ORFs putative for SilR and CusR. The silver resistant strain (E. coli AgNO3R) showed constitutive expression of silC which posed a cost of fitness resulting in retarded growth. Furthermore, E. coli AgNO3R exhibited cross-resistance to ciprofloxacin and a slightly increased tolerance to ampicillin. This study demonstrates that E. coli is able to develop resistance to silver, which may pose a threat towards an effective use of silver compounds as antiseptics.

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