July 7, 2019

Genomic characterization of methylotrophy of Oharaeibacter diazotrophicus strain SM30T.

Oharaeibacter diazotrophicus strain SM30T, isolated from rice rhizosphere, is an aerobic, facultative lanthanide (Ln3+)-utilizing methylotroph and diazotroph that belongs to the Methylocystaceae family. In this research, the complete genome sequence of strain SM30T was determined, and its methylotrophy modules were characterized. The genome consists of one chromosome and two plasmids, comprising a total of 5,004,097 bp, and the GC content was 71.6 mol%. A total of 4497 CDSs, 67 tRNA, and 9 rRNA were encoded. Typical alpha-proteobacterial methylotrophy genes were found: pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-dependent methanol dehydrogenase (MDH) (mxaF and xoxF1-4), methylotrophy regulatory proteins (mxbDM and mxcQE), PQQ synthesis, H4F pathway, H4MPT pathway, formate oxidation, serine cycle, and ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway. SDS-PAGE and subsequent LC-MS analysis, and qPCR analysis revealed that MxaF and XoxF1 were the dominant MDH in the absence or presence of lanthanum (La3+), respectively. The growth of MDH gene-deletion mutants on alcohols and qPCR results indicated that mxaF and xoxF1 are also involved in ethanol and propanol oxidation, xoxF2 participates in methanol oxidation in the presence of La3+, while xoxF3 was associated with methanol and ethanol oxidation in the absence of La3+, implying that XoxF3 is a calcium (Ca2+)-binding XoxF. Four Ln3+ such as La3+, cerium (Ce3+), praseodymium (Pr3+), and neodymium (Nd3+) served as cofactors for XoxF1 by supporting ?mxaF growth on methanol. Some heavier lanthanides inhibited growth of SM30 on methanol. This study contributes to the understanding of the function of various XoxF-type MDHs and their roles in methylotrophs. Copyright © 2018 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

July 7, 2019

Bioaugmentated activated sludge degradation of progesterone: Kinetics and mechanism

Progesterone (PGT) is not completely removed in conventional treatment plants, and the processing results may have adverse effects on aquatic organisms. In this study, an effective PGT-degradation bacterium, Rhodococcus sp. HYW, was newly isolated from the pharmaceutical plant and was used to augment degradation of PGT. When grown in a mineral medium (MM) containing a trace amount of PGT (500?µg/L) as the sole carbon and energy source, the results show that 99% of PGT was degraded within 1?h and followed the first-order reaction kinetics. Bioaugmentation of PGT-contaminated activated sludge greatly enhanced the PGT degradation rate (~91%) and its derivatives degradation rate were also greatly improved (>83%). The process of PGT degradation in non-bioaugmented PGT-contaminated activated sludge (NBS) and bioaugmentation activated sludge with the bacterial consortium(BS) also conforms to the first-order kinetic model. Furthermore, 12 and 11 biodegradation products for PGT in the NBS and BS were identified using HPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap XL™, respectively. Based on these biodegradation products, two degradation pathways for PGT in NBS and BS were proposed, respectively. Comparing the degradation kinetics and metabolites, it was found that BS degrades PGT more rapidly and can further convert PGT to a small molecular acid. Finally, to reveal the probable cause for the differences in the PGT degradation efficiency and products in the NBS and BS.

July 7, 2019

A universal SNP and small-indel variant caller using deep neural networks.

Despite rapid advances in sequencing technologies, accurately calling genetic variants present in an individual genome from billions of short, errorful sequence reads remains challenging. Here we show that a deep convolutional neural network can call genetic variation in aligned next-generation sequencing read data by learning statistical relationships between images of read pileups around putative variant and true genotype calls. The approach, called DeepVariant, outperforms existing state-of-the-art tools. The learned model generalizes across genome builds and mammalian species, allowing nonhuman sequencing projects to benefit from the wealth of human ground-truth data. We further show that DeepVariant can learn to call variants in a variety of sequencing technologies and experimental designs, including deep whole genomes from 10X Genomics and Ion Ampliseq exomes, highlighting the benefits of using more automated and generalizable techniques for variant calling.

July 7, 2019

Comparative genomic analysis of Staphylococcus lugdunensis shows a closed pan-genome and multiple barriers to horizontal gene transfer.

Coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) are commensal bacteria on human skin. Staphylococcus lugdunensis is a unique CoNS which produces various virulence factors and may, like S. aureus, cause severe infections, particularly in hospital settings. Unlike other staphylococci, it remains highly susceptible to antimicrobials, and genome-based phylogenetic studies have evidenced a highly conserved genome that distinguishes it from all other staphylococci.We demonstrate that S. lugdunensis possesses a closed pan-genome with a very limited number of new genes, in contrast to other staphylococci that have an open pan-genome. Whole-genome nucleotide and amino acid identity levels are also higher than in other staphylococci. We identified numerous genetic barriers to horizontal gene transfer that might explain this result. The S. lugdunensis genome has multiple operons encoding for restriction-modification, CRISPR/Cas and toxin/antitoxin systems. We also identified a new PIN-like domain-associated protein that might belong to a larger operon, comprising a metalloprotease, that could function as a new toxin/antitoxin or detoxification system.We show that S. lugdunensis has a unique genome profile within staphylococci, with a closed pan-genome and several systems to prevent horizontal gene transfer. Its virulence in clinical settings does not rely on its ability to acquire and exchange antibiotic resistance genes or other virulence factors as shown for other staphylococci.

July 7, 2019

Complete genome sequence of Agrobacterium pusense VsBac-Y9, a bacterial symbiont of the dark septate endophytic fungus Veronaeopsis simplex Y34 with potential for improving fungal colonization in roots.

A Rhizobium-related bacterium (Rhizobium sp. VsBac-Y9) is a symbiont living with the dark septate endophytic (DSE) fungus Veronaeopsis simplex Y34. Co-inoculation of Rhizobium sp. VsBac-Y9 with V. simplex Y34 improves the fungal colonization of tomato roots, resulting in a significant increase in aboveground biomass. This study sequenced the complete genome of this V. simplex-helper bacterium using the PacBio and Illumina MiSeq platforms. Hybrid assembly using SPAdes outputted a circular chromosome, a linear chromid, and a circular plasmid for a total genome 5,321,211 bp in size with a G?+?C content of 59.2%. Analysis of concatenated housekeeping genes (atpD-dnaK-groEL-lepA-recA-rpoB-thrE) and calculation of average nucleotide identity, showed that VsBac-Y9 was affiliated with the species Agrobacterium pusense (syn. Rhizobium pusense). Genome analysis revealed that A. pusense VsBac-Y9 contains a series of genes responsible for the host interactions with both fungus and plant. Such genomic information will provide new insights into developing co-inoculants of endophytic fungus and its symbiotic bacterium in future agricultural innovation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

July 7, 2019

Complete and assembled genome sequence of an NDM-5- and CTX-M-15-producing Escherichia coli sequence type 617 isolated from wastewater in Switzerland.

Carbapenem-resistant Escherichia coli have emerged worldwide and represent a major challenge to effective healthcare management. Here we report the genome sequence of an NDM-5- and CTX-M-15-producing E. coli belonging to sequence type 617 isolated from wastewater treatment plant effluent in Switzerland.Whole-genome sequencing of E. coli 657SK2 was performed using Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) single-molecule real-time (SMRT) technology RS2 reads (C4/P6 chemistry). De novo assembly was carried out using Canu 1.6, and sequences were annotated using the NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP).The genome of E. coli 657SK2 consists of a 4.9-Mbp chromosome containing blaCTX-M-15, genes associated with virulence [fyuA, hlyE, the pyelonephritis-associated pili (pap) gene cluster and the yad gene cluster], the copper resistance gene pco, and genes associated with resistance to quaternary ammonium compound (QAC) disinfectants (emrA, mdfA and sugE). A 173.9-kb multidrug resistance IncFII-FIA-FIB plasmid was detected harbouring aadA2, aadA5, blaNDM-5, blaOXA-1, cat, drfA, drfA17, the mph(A)-mrx-mphR cluster, the tetA-tetC-tetR cluster, and the virulence genes iutA and ylpA.The genome sequence of E. coli 657SK2 provides information on resistance mechanisms and virulence characteristics of pathogenic E. coli harbouring blaNDM-5 and blaCTX-M-15 that are spreading into the environment via urban wastewater.Copyright © 2018 International Society for Chemotherapy of Infection and Cancer. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

July 7, 2019

Recent advances on detection and characterization of fruit tree viruses using high-throughput sequencing technologies.

Perennial crops, such as fruit trees, are infected by many viruses, which are transmitted through vegetative propagation and grafting of infected plant material. Some of these pathogens cause severe crop losses and often reduce the productive life of the orchards. Detection and characterization of these agents in fruit trees is challenging, however, during the last years, the wide application of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies has significantly facilitated this task. In this review, we present recent advances in the discovery, detection, and characterization of fruit tree viruses and virus-like agents accomplished by HTS approaches. A high number of new viruses have been described in the last 5 years, some of them exhibiting novel genomic features that have led to the proposal of the creation of new genera, and the revision of the current virus taxonomy status. Interestingly, several of the newly identified viruses belong to virus genera previously unknown to infect fruit tree species (e.g., Fabavirus, Luteovirus) a fact that challenges our perspective of plant viruses in general. Finally, applied methodologies, including the use of different molecules as templates, as well as advantages and disadvantages and future directions of HTS in fruit tree virology are discussed.

July 7, 2019

Rationally designed perturbation factor drives evolution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for industrial application.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with favorable characteristics are preferred for application in industries. However, the current ability to reprogram a yeast cell on the genome scale is limited due to the complexity of yeast ploids. In this study, a method named genome replication engineering-assisted continuous evolution (GREACE) was proved efficient in engineering S. cerevisiae with different ploids. Through iterative cycles of culture coupled with selection, GREACE could continuously improve the target traits of yeast by accumulating beneficial genetic modification in genome. The application of GREACE greatly improved the tolerance of yeast against acetic acid compared with their parent strain. This method could also be employed to improve yeast aroma profile and the phenotype could be stably inherited to the offspring. Therefore, GREACE method was efficient in S. cerevisiae engineering and it could be further used to evolve yeast with other specific characteristics.

July 7, 2019

Genome-wide analysis of the invertase gene family from maize.

The recent release of the maize genome (AGPv4) contains annotation errors of invertase genes and therefore the enzymes are bestly curated manually at the protein level in a comprehensible fashion The synthesis, transport and degradation of sucrose are determining factors for biomass allocation and yield of crop plants. Invertase (INV) is a key enzyme of carbon metabolism in both source and sink tissues. Current releases of the maize genome correctly annotates only two vacuolar invertases (ivr1 and ivr2) and four cell wall invertases (incw1, incw2 (mn1), incw3, and incw4). Our comprehensive survey identified 21 INV isogenes for which we propose a standard nomenclature grouped phylogenetically by amino acid similarity: three vacuolar (INVVR), eight cell wall (INVCW), and ten alkaline/neutral (INVAN) isogenes which form separate dendogram branches due to distinct molecular features. The acidic enzymes were curated for the presence of the DPN tripeptide which is coded by one of the smallest exons reported in plants. Particular attention was placed on the molecular role of INV in vascular tissues such as the nodes, internodes, leaf sheath, husk leaves and roots. We report the expression profile of most members of the maize INV family in nine tissues in two developmental stages, R1 and R3. INVCW7, INVVR2, INVAN8, INVAN9, INVAN10, and INVAN3 displayed the highest absolute expressions in most tissues. INVVR3, INVCW5, INVCW8, and INVAN1 showed low mRNA levels. Expressions of most INVs were repressed from stage R1 to R3, except for INVCW7 which increased significantly in all tissues after flowering. The mRNA levels of INVCW7 in the vegetative stem correlated with a higher transport rate of assimilates from leaves to the cob which led to starch accumulation and growth of the female reproductive organs.

July 7, 2019

Complete genome sequence of soil actinobacteria Streptomyces cavourensis TJ430.

A new actinobacteria Streptomyces cavourensis TJ430 was isolated from the mountain soil collected from the southwest of China. In previous study, TJ430 showed striking bactericidal activities and strong ability of antibiotic production. Here, we report complete genome of this bacterium, consisting of 7.6?Mb linear chromosome and 0.2?Mb plasmids. It was predicted 6450 genes in chromosome and 225 genes in plasmids, as well as 12 gene islands in chromosome. Abundant genes have predicted functions in antibiotic metabolism and stress resistance. A whole-genome comparison of S. cavourensis TJ430, S. coelicolor A3(2), and S. lividans 66 indicates that TJ430 has a relatively high degree of strain specificity. The 16S rRNA phylogenetic tree shows the high identities (99.79%) of TJ430 with S. cavourensis DSM40300. TJ430 is a new and rare Streptomyces species, and analysis of its genome helps us to better understand primary metabolism mechanism of this isolate, as well as the evolutionary biology.© 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

July 7, 2019

Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori infection

In this review, we highlight progress in the last year in characterizing known virulence factors like flagella and the Cag type IV secretion system with sophisticated struc- tural and biochemical approaches to yield new insight on the assembly and functions of these critical virulence determinants. Several aspects of Helicobacter pylori physi- ology were newly explored this year and evaluated for their functions during stom- ach colonization, including a fascinating role for the essential protease HtrA in allowing access of H. pylori to the basolateral side of the gastric epithelium through cleavage of the tight junction protein E- cadherin to facilitate CagA delivery. Molecular biology tools standard in model bacteria, including regulated gene expression during animal infection and fluorescent reporter gene fusions, were newly applied to H. py- lori to explore functions for urease beyond initial colonization and establish high salt consumption as a mediator of gene expression changes. New sequencing technolo- gies enabled validation of long postulated roles for DNA methylation in regulating H. pylori gene expression. On the cell biology side, elegant work using lineage tracing in the murine model and organoid primary cell culture systems has provided new in- sights into how H. pylori manipulates gastric tissue functions, locally and at a dis- tance, to promote its survival in the stomach and induce pathologic changes. Finally, new work has bolstered the case for genomic variation as an important mechanism to generate phenotypic diversity during changing environmental conditions in the context of diet manipulation in animal infection models and during human experi- mental infection after vaccination.

July 7, 2019

Evolutionary emergence of drug resistance in Candida opportunistic pathogens.

Fungal infections, such as candidiasis caused by Candida, pose a problem of growing medical concern. In developed countries, the incidence of Candida infections is increasing due to the higher survival of susceptible populations, such as immunocompromised patients or the elderly. Existing treatment options are limited to few antifungal drug families with efficacies that vary depending on the infecting species. In this context, the emergence and spread of resistant Candida isolates are being increasingly reported. Understanding how resistance can evolve within naturally susceptible species is key to developing novel, more effective treatment strategies. However, in contrast to the situation of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, few studies have focused on the evolutionary mechanisms leading to drug resistance in fungal species. In this review, we will survey and discuss current knowledge on the genetic bases of resistance to antifungal drugs in Candida opportunistic pathogens. We will do so from an evolutionary genomics perspective, focusing on the possible evolutionary paths that may lead to the emergence and selection of the resistant phenotype. Finally, we will discuss the potential of future studies enabled by current developments in sequencing technologies, in vitro evolution approaches, and the analysis of serial clinical isolates.

July 7, 2019

Traditional Norwegian kveik are a genetically distinct group of domesticated Saccharomyces cerevisiae brewing yeasts.

The widespread production of fermented food and beverages has resulted in the domestication of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts specifically adapted to beer production. While there is evidence beer yeast domestication was accelerated by industrialization of beer, there also exists a farmhouse brewing culture in western Norway which has passed down yeasts referred to as kveik for generations. This practice has resulted in ale yeasts which are typically highly flocculant, phenolic off flavor negative (POF-), and exhibit a high rate of fermentation, similar to previously characterized lineages of domesticated yeast. Additionally, kveik yeasts are reportedly high-temperature tolerant, likely due to the traditional practice of pitching yeast into warm (>28°C) wort. Here, we characterize kveik yeasts from 9 different Norwegian sources via PCR fingerprinting, whole genome sequencing of selected strains, phenotypic screens, and lab-scale fermentations. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that kveik yeasts form a distinct group among beer yeasts. Additionally, we identify a novel POF- loss-of-function mutation, as well as SNPs and CNVs potentially relevant to the thermotolerance, high ethanol tolerance, and high fermentation rate phenotypes of kveik strains. We also identify domestication markers related to flocculation in kveik. Taken together, the results suggest that Norwegian kveik yeasts are a genetically distinct group of domesticated beer yeasts with properties highly relevant to the brewing sector.

July 7, 2019

Approximate, simultaneous comparison of microbial genome architectures via syntenic anchoring of quiver representations

Motivation A long-standing limitation in comparative genomic studies is the dependency on a reference genome, which hinders the spectrum of genetic diversity that can be identified across a population of organisms. This is especially true in the microbial world where genome architectures can significantly vary. There is therefore a need for computational methods that can simultaneously analyze the architectures of multiple genomes without introducing bias from a reference. Results In this article, we present Ptolemy: a novel method for studying the diversity of genome architectures—such as structural variation and pan-genomes—across a collection of microbial assemblies without the need of a reference. Ptolemy is a ‘top-down’ approach to compare whole genome assemblies. Genomes are represented as labeled multi-directed graphs—known as quivers—which are then merged into a single, canonical quiver by identifying ‘gene anchors’ via synteny analysis. The canonical quiver represents an approximate, structural alignment of all genomes in a given collection encoding structural variation across (sub-) populations within the collection. We highlight various applications of Ptolemy by analyzing structural variation and the pan-genomes of different datasets composing of Mycobacterium, Saccharomyces, Escherichia and Shigella species. Our results show that Ptolemy is flexible and can handle both conserved and highly dynamic genome architectures. Ptolemy is user-friendly—requires only FASTA-formatted assembly along with a corresponding GFF-formatted file—and resource-friendly—can align 24 genomes in ~10 mins with four CPUs and <2 GB of RAM.

July 7, 2019

Omics in weed science: A perspective from genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics approaches

Modern high-throughput molecular and analytical tools offer exciting opportunities to gain a mechanistic understanding of unique traits of weeds. During the past decade, tremendous progress has been made within the weed science discipline using genomic techniques to gain deeper insights into weedy traits such as invasiveness, hybridization, and herbicide resistance. Though the adoption of newer “omics” techniques such as proteomics, metabolomics, and physionomics has been slow, applications of these omics platforms to study plants, especially agriculturally important crops and weeds, have been increasing over the years. In weed science, these platforms are now used more frequently to understand mechanisms of herbicide resistance, weed resistance evolution, and crop–weed interactions. Use of these techniques could help weed scientists to further reduce the knowledge gaps in understanding weedy traits. Although these techniques can provide robust insights about the molecular functioning of plants, employing a single omics platform can rarely elucidate the gene-level regulation and the associated real-time expression of weedy traits due to the complex and overlapping nature of biological interactions. Therefore, it is desirable to integrate the different omics technologies to give a better understanding of molecular functioning of biological systems. This multidimensional integrated approach can therefore offer new avenues for better understanding of questions of interest to weed scientists. This review offers a retrospective and prospective examination of omics platforms employed to investigate weed physiology and novel approaches and new technologies that can provide holistic and knowledge-based weed management strategies for future.

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