July 7, 2019

Characterization of a PVL-negative community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain of sequence type 88 in China.

Sequence type 88 community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) strain SR434, isolated from an outpatient with skin and soft tissue infection, was subjected to whole genome sequencing, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, mouse skin infection model and hemolysis analysis to identify its virulence and resistance determinants. MRSA strain SR434 is resistant to clindamycin, erythromycin and fosfomycin. Four plasmids with resistance genes were identified in this strain, including a 20,658bp blaZ-carrying plasmid, a 2473bp ermC-carrying plasmid, a 2622bp fosB7-carrying plasmid (86% identity with plasmid in a ST2590 MRSA strain) and a 4817bp lnuA-carrying plasmid (99% identity with pLNU4 from bovine coagulase-nagetive Staphylococci). This strain contains staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type IV and does not contain arginine catabolic mobile element or Panton-Valentine-Leukocidin. SR434 harbors genomic islands ?Saa, ?Saß, ?Sa? and FSa3 and pathogenicity islands ?Sa2 that carries genes encoding toxic shock syndrome toxin 1, superantigen enterotoxin C and superantigen enterotoxin L. Mouse skin infection model results show that SR434 had similar virulence potential causing invasive skin infection as a PVL-negative epidemic Korea clone HL1 (ST72). CA-MRSA strain of ST88 lineage might be a great concern for its high virulence. PVL has limited contribution to virulence phenotype among this lineage. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

July 7, 2019

Complete genome sequence of a livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus sequence type 5 isolate from the United States.

Livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) may be the largest MRSA reservoir outside the hospital setting. One concern with LA-MRSA is the acquisition of novel mobile genetic elements by these isolates. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of a swine LA-MRSA sequence type 5 isolate from the United States.

July 7, 2019

Complete genome sequence of livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus sequence type 398 isolated from swine in the United States.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonizes and causes disease in many animal species. Livestock-associated MRSA (LA-MRSA) isolates are represented by isolates of the sequence type 398 (ST398). These isolates are considered to be livestock adapted. This report provides the complete genome sequence of one swine-associated LA-MRSA ST398 isolate from the United States.

July 7, 2019

First report of cfr-encoding plasmids in the pandemic sequence type (ST) 22 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec type-IV clone.

Linezolid is often the drug of last resort for serious methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections. Linezolid resistance is mediated by mutations in 23S rRNA and genes for ribosomal proteins, cfr encoding phenicol, lincosamide, oxazolidinone, pleuromutilin and streptogramin A (PhLOPSA) resistance, its homolgue cfr(B) or optrA conferring oxazolidinone and phenicol resistance. Linezolid resistance is rare in S. aureus, and cfr even rarer. This study investigated the clonality and linezolid resistance mechanisms of two MRSA isolates from patients in separate Irish hospitals. Isolates were subjected to cfr PCR, PhLOPSA susceptibility testing, 23S rRNA PCR and sequencing, DNA microarray profiling, spa typing, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), plasmid curing and conjugative transfer. Whole-genome sequencing was used for single nucleotide variant (SNV) analysis, multilocus-sequence typing, L-protein mutation identification, cfr-plasmid sequence analysis and optrA and cfr(B) detection. Isolates M12/0145 and M13/0401 exhibited linezolid MICs of 64 and 16 mg/liter, respectively, and harbored identical 23S rRNA and L22 mutations, but M12/0145 exhibited the mutation in 2/6 23S rRNA alleles compared to 1/5 in M13/0401. Both isolates were ST22-MRSA-IV/t032, harbored cfr, exhibited the PhLOPSA phenotype and lacked optrA and cfr(B). They differed by five PFGE bands and 603 SNVs. Isolate M12/0145 harbored cfr and fexA on a 41-kb conjugative pSCFS3-type plasmid, whereas M13/0401 harbored cfr and lsa(B) on a novel 27-kb plasmid. This is the first report of cfr in the pandemic ST22-MRSA-IV clone. Different cfr plasmids and mutations associated with linezolid resistance in genotypically distinct ST22-MRSA-IV isolates highlights that prudent management of linezolid use is essential. Copyright © 2016 Shore et al.

July 7, 2019

Complete circular genome sequence of successful ST8/SCCmecIV community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (OC8) in Russia: one-megabase genomic inversion, IS256’s spread, and evolution of Russia ST8-IV.

ST8/SCCmecIV community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) has been a common threat, with large USA300 epidemics in the United States. The global geographical structure of ST8/SCCmecIV has not yet been fully elucidated. We herein determined the complete circular genome sequence of ST8/SCCmecIVc strain OC8 from Siberian Russia. We found that 36.0% of the genome was inverted relative to USA300. Two IS256, oppositely oriented, at IS256-enriched hot spots were implicated with the one-megabase genomic inversion (MbIN) and vSaß split. The behavior of IS256 was flexible: its insertion site (att) sequences on the genome and junction sequences of extrachromosomal circular DNA were all divergent, albeit with fixed sizes. A similar multi-IS256 system was detected, even in prevalent ST239 healthcare-associated MRSA in Russia, suggesting IS256’s strong transmission potential and advantage in evolution. Regarding epidemiology, all ST8/SCCmecIVc strains from European, Siberian, and Far Eastern Russia, examined had MbIN, and geographical expansion accompanied divergent spa types and resistance to fluoroquinolones, chloramphenicol, and often rifampicin. Russia ST8/SCCmecIVc has been associated with life-threatening infections such as pneumonia and sepsis in both community and hospital settings. Regarding virulence, the OC8 genome carried a series of toxin and immune evasion genes, a truncated giant surface protein gene, and IS256 insertion adjacent to a pan-regulatory gene. These results suggest that unique single ST8/spa1(t008)/SCCmecIVc CA-MRSA (clade, Russia ST8-IVc) emerged in Russia, and this was followed by large geographical expansion, with MbIN as an epidemiological marker, and fluoroquinolone resistance, multiple virulence factors, and possibly a multi-IS256 system as selective advantages.

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