July 7, 2019

Assemblytics: a web analytics tool for the detection of variants from an assembly.

Assemblytics is a web app for detecting and analyzing variants from a de novo genome assembly aligned to a reference genome. It incorporates a unique anchor filtering approach to increase robustness to repetitive elements, and identifies six classes of variants based on their distinct alignment signatures. Assemblytics can be applied both to comparing aberrant genomes, such as human cancers, to a reference, or to identify differences between related species. Multiple interactive visualizations enable in-depth explorations of the genomic distributions of variants., CONTACT: mnattest@cshl.eduSupplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

July 7, 2019

MICADo – Looking for mutations in targeted PacBio cancer data: an alignment-free method.

Targeted sequencing is commonly used in clinical application of NGS technology since it enables generation of sufficient sequencing depth in the targeted genes of interest and thus ensures the best possible downstream analysis. This notwithstanding, the accurate discovery and annotation of disease causing mutations remains a challenging problem even in such favorable context. The difficulty is particularly salient in the case of third generation sequencing technology, such as PacBio. We present MICADo, a de Bruijn graph based method, implemented in python, that makes possible to distinguish between patient specific mutations and other alterations for targeted sequencing of a cohort of patients. MICADo analyses NGS reads for each sample within the context of the data of the whole cohort in order to capture the differences between specificities of the sample with respect to the cohort. MICADo is particularly suitable for sequencing data from highly heterogeneous samples, especially when it involves high rates of non-uniform sequencing errors. It was validated on PacBio sequencing datasets from several cohorts of patients. The comparison with two widely used available tools, namely VarScan and GATK, shows that MICADo is more accurate, especially when true mutations have frequencies close to backgound noise. The source code is available at

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