July 7, 2019

Next-generation sequencing-based detection of germline L1-mediated transductions.

Authors: Tica, Jelena and Lee, Eunjung and Untergasser, Andreas and Meiers, Sascha and Garfield, David A and Gokcumen, Omer and Furlong, Eileen E M and Park, Peter J and Stütz, Adrian M and Korbel, Jan O

While active LINE-1 (L1) elements possess the ability to mobilize flanking sequences to different genomic loci through a process termed transduction influencing genomic content and structure, an approach for detecting polymorphic germline non-reference transductions in massively-parallel sequencing data has been lacking.Here we present the computational approach TIGER (Transduction Inference in GERmline genomes), enabling the discovery of non-reference L1-mediated transductions by combining L1 discovery with detection of unique insertion sequences and detailed characterization of insertion sites. We employed TIGER to characterize polymorphic transductions in fifteen genomes from non-human primate species (chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque), as well as in a human genome. We achieved high accuracy as confirmed by PCR and two single molecule DNA sequencing techniques, and uncovered differences in relative rates of transduction between primate species.By enabling detection of polymorphic transductions, TIGER makes this form of relevant structural variation amenable for population and personal genome analysis.

Journal: BMC genomics
DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2670-x
Year: 2016

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