July 7, 2019

Is sex irreplaceable? Towards the molecular regulation of apomixis

Authors: Brukhin, Vladimir

Apomixis, defined as the asexual plant reproduction through seeds that results in the production of genetically uniform progeny and a natural way of cloning. Currently there are more than 400 plant species known to use apomixis as a strategy for their propagation. The primary fundamental aspects of apomixis are the bypassing of meiosis and parthenogenetic development of the embryo without fertilization. Apomixis attracts special attention because of its potential value for agriculture, as it could be harnessed for plant breeding programs enabling the permanent fixation of heterosis in crop plants. A better understanding of the molecular and genetic regulation of apomixis is important for developmental and evolutionary perspectives but also for implementation of engineering of apomixis traits into agricultural crop plants. Despite apomixis is considered as one of the key technologies for the improving agriculture, but currently how genetic and molecular regulation of this important trait occurs is not fully known. Recent information on the biology of apomixis and genes and genetic loci associated with the regulation of different components of apomixis is provided in the present review.

Journal: The International journal of plant reproductive biology
DOI: 10.14787/ijprb
Year: 2017

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