July 7, 2019

High-quality complete and draft genome sequences for three Escherichia spp. and three Shigella spp. generated with Pacific Biosciences and Illumina sequencing and optical mapping.

Authors: Schroeder, Max R and Juieng, Phalasy and Batra, Dhwani and Knipe, Kristen and Rowe, Lori A and Sheth, Mili and Smith, Peyton and Garcia-Toledo, Lisley and Loparev, Vladimir N and Lindsey, Rebecca L

Escherichia spp., including E. albertii and E. coli, Shigella dysenteriae, and S. flexneri are causative agents of foodborne disease. We report here reference-level whole-genome sequences of E. albertii (2014C-4356), E. coli (2011C-4315 and 2012C-4431), S. dysenteriae (BU53M1), and S. flexneri (94-3007 and 71-2783).. Copyright © 2018 Schroeder et al.

Journal: Genome announcements
DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01384-17
Year: 2018

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