The pressing need for new pest control products with novel modes of action has spawned interest in small molecules and peptides targeting arthropod GPCRs. Genome sequence data and tools for reverse genetics have enabled the prediction and characterization of GPCRs from many invertebrates. We review recent work to identify, characterize and de-orphanize arthropod GPCRs, with a focus on studies that reveal exciting new functional roles for these receptors, including the regulation of metabolic resistance. We explore the potential for insecticides targeting Class A biogenic amine-binding and peptide-binding receptors, and consider the innovation required to generate pest-selective leads for development, within the context of new PCR-targeting products to control arthropod vectors of disease.Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Journal: Current opinion in insect science
DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2018.08.010
Year: 2018