July 19, 2019

Dissecting the causal mechanism of X-linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism by integrating genome and transcriptome assembly.

Authors: Aneichyk, Tatsiana and Hendriks, William T and Yadav, Rachita and Shin, David and Gao, Dadi and Vaine, Christine A and Collins, Ryan L and Domingo, Aloysius and Currall, Benjamin and Stortchevoi, Alexei and Multhaupt-Buell, Trisha and Penney, Ellen B and Cruz, Lilian and Dhakal, Jyotsna and Brand, Harrison and Hanscom, Carrie and Antolik, Caroline and Dy, Marisela and Ragavendran, Ashok and Underwood, Jason and Cantsilieris, Stuart and Munson, Katherine M and Eichler, Evan E and Acuña, Patrick and Go, Criscely and Jamora, R Dominic G and Rosales, Raymond L and Church, Deanna M and Williams, Stephen R and Garcia, Sarah and Klein, Christine and Müller, Ulrich and Wilhelmsen, Kirk C and Timmers, H T Marc and Sapir, Yechiam and Wainger, Brian J and Henderson, Daniel and Ito, Naoto and Weisenfeld, Neil and Jaffe, David and Sharma, Nutan and Breakefield, Xandra O and Ozelius, Laurie J and Bragg, D Cristopher and Talkowski, Michael E

X-linked Dystonia-Parkinsonism (XDP) is a Mendelian neurodegenerative disease that is endemic to the Philippines and is associated with a founder haplotype. We integrated multiple genome and transcriptome assembly technologies to narrow the causal mutation to the TAF1 locus, which included a SINE-VNTR-Alu (SVA) retrotransposition into intron 32 of the gene. Transcriptome analyses identified decreased expression of the canonical cTAF1 transcript among XDP probands, and de novo assembly across multiple pluripotent stem-cell-derived neuronal lineages discovered aberrant TAF1 transcription that involved alternative splicing and intron retention (IR) in proximity to the SVA that was anti-correlated with overall TAF1 expression. CRISPR/Cas9 excision of the SVA rescued this XDP-specific transcriptional signature and normalized TAF1 expression in probands. These data suggest an SVA-mediated aberrant transcriptional mechanism associated with XDP and may provide a roadmap for layered technologies and integrated assembly-based analyses for other unsolved Mendelian disorders. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Journal: Cell
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.02.011
Year: 2018

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