July 7, 2019

Complete genome sequence of Vibrio alginolyticus ATCC 33787(T) isolated from seawater with three native megaplasmids.

Authors: Wang, Pengxia and Wen, Zhongling and Li, Baiyuan and Zeng, Zhenshun and Wang, Xiaoxue

Vibrio alginolyticus, an opportunistic pathogen, is commonly associated with vibriosis in fish and shellfish and can also cause superficial and ear infections in humans. V. alginolyticus ATCC 33787(T) was originally isolated from seawater and has been used as one of the type strains for exploring the virulence factors of marine bacteria and for developing vaccine against vibriosis. Here we sequenced and assembled the whole genome of this strain, and identified three megaplasmids and three Type VI secretion systems, thus providing useful information for the study of virulence factors and for the development of vaccine for Vibrio. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Journal: Marine genomics
DOI: 10.1016/j.margen.2016.05.003
Year: 2016

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