July 7, 2019

Complete genome sequence of the novel temperate Clostridium difficile phage phiCDIF1296T.

Authors: Wittmann, Johannes and Riedel, Thomas and Bunk, Boyke and Spröer, Cathrin and Gronow, Sabine and Overmann, Jörg

Clostridium difficile contains many integrated and extrachromosomal genetic elements. In this study, we determined, annotated, and analyzed the complete genome of the C. difficile bacteriophage phiCDIF1296T using single-molecule real-time sequencing technology. To our knowledge, this represents the largest genome (131 kb) of a temperate C. difficile phage recognized so far. Copyright © 2015 Wittmann et al.

Journal: Genome announcements
DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00839-15
Year: 2015

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