July 7, 2019

Complete genome sequence of Chryseobacterium camelliae Dolsongi-HT1, a green tea isolate with keratinolytic activity.

Authors: Kim, Eun-Mi and Hwang, Kyeong Hwan and Park, Jun-Seong

The complete genome sequence of Chryseobacterium camelliae Dolsongi-HT1 is reported here. C. camelliae Dolsongi-HT1, having keratinolytic activity, was isolated from green tea leaves in the Dolsongi tea garden in Jeju, South Korea. The strain Dolsongi-HT1 has 28 candidate protease genes, which may be utilized in further studies and industrial applications of keratinase. Copyright © 2018 Kim et al.

Journal: Genome announcements
DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.01421-17
Year: 2018

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