Cancers exhibit complex transcriptomes with aberrant splicing that induces isoform-level differential expression compared to non-diseased tissues. Transcriptomic profiling using short-read sequencing has utility in providing a cost-effective approach for evaluating isoform expression, although short-read assembly displays limitations in the accurate inference of full-length transcripts. Long-read RNA sequencing (Iso-Seq), using the Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) platform, can overcome such limitations by providing full-length isoform sequence resolution which requires no read assembly and represents native expressed transcripts. A constraint of the Iso-Seq protocol is due to fewer reads output per instrument run, which, as an example, can consequently affect the detection of lowly expressed transcripts. To address these deficiencies, we developed a concatenation workflow, PacBio Full-Length Isoform Concatemer Sequencing (PB_FLIC-Seq), designed to increase the number of unique, sequenced PacBio long-reads thereby improving overall detection of unique isoforms. In addition, we anticipate that the increase in read depth will help improve the detection of moderate to low-level expressed isoforms.
Journal: BMC Genomics
DOI: 10.1186/s12864-024-10021-x
Year: 2024