A novel Gram-negative, capnophilic, fusiform bacterium, designated strain ChDC OS43T, was isolated from a human refractory periapical abscess in the left mandibular second molar and was characterized by polyphasic taxonomic analysis. The 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed that the strain belongs to the genus Capnocytophaga, as it showed sequence similarities to Capnocytophaga ochracea ATCC 27872T(96.30%) and C. sputigena ATCC 33612T(96.16%). The prevalent fatty acids of strain ChDC OS43Twere isoC15:0(57.54%), C16:0(5.93%), C16:03OH (5.72%), and C18:1cis 9 (4.41%). The complete genome of strain ChDC OS43Twas 3,412,686 bp, and the G+C content was 38.2 mol%. The average nucleotide identity (ANI) value between strain ChDC OS43Tand C. ochracea ATCC 27872Tor C. sputigena ATCC 33612Twas >92.01%. The genome-to-genome distance (GGD) value between strain ChDC OS43Tand C. ochracea ATCC 27872Tor C. sputigena ATCC 33612Twas 32.0 and 45.7%, respectively. Based on the results of phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, and phylogenetic analysis, strain ChDC OS43T(=?KCOM 1579T?=?KCTC 5562T?=?KCCM 42841T?=?JCM 32133T) should be classified as the type strain of a novel species of genus Capnocytophaga, for which the name Capnocytophaga endodontalis sp. nov. is proposed.
Journal: Current microbiology
DOI: 10.1007/s00284-017-1397-5
Year: 2018