African Lakes Cichlids are one of the most impressive example of adaptive radiation. Independently in Lake Victoria, Tanganyika, and Malawi, several hundreds of species arose within the last 10 million to 100,000 years. Whereas most analyses in cichlids focused on nucleotide substitutions across species to investigate the genetic bases of this explosive radiation, to date, no study has investigated the contribution of structural variants (SVs) to speciation events (through a reduction of gene flow) and adaptation to different ecological niches. Here, we annotate and characterize the repertoires and evolutionary potential of different SV classes (deletion, duplication, inversion, insertions and translocations) in five cichlid species (Astatotilapia burtoni, Metriaclima zebra, Neolamprologus brichardi, Pundamilia nyererei and Oreochromis niloticus). We investigate the patterns of gain/loss evolution across the phylogeny for each SV type enabling the identification of both lineage specific events and a set of conserved SVs, common to all four species in the radiation. Both deletion and inversion events show a significant overlap with SINE elements, while inversions additionally show a limited, but significant association with DNA transposons. Genes lying inside inverted regions are enriched for genes regulating behaviour, or involved in skeletal and visual system development. Moreover, we find that duplicated genes show enrichment for textquoterightantigen processing and presentationtextquoteright (GO:0019882) and other immune related categories. Altogether, we provide the first, comprehensive overview of rearrangement evolution in East African Cichlids, and some initial insights into their possible contribution to adaptation.
Journal: BioRxiv
DOI: 10.1101/473710
Year: 2018