
Build your workflow with PacBio Compatible

We work with a wide range of industry-leading organizations to ensure the compatibility of products optimized for use in PacBio workflows. Our partners have been qualified by PacBio scientists to provide seamless integration and support for customers who are just starting out with PacBio sequencing or expanding their current capabilities. 

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Agilent is a compatible partner for end-to-end targeted sequencing workflows including automation, library prep, and data analysis. This partnership leverages the ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer panel and the accuracy of SBB technology to confidently identify disease-associated variants and optimize the molecular profiling of cancers. Targeted sequencing is enabled by Agilent’s SureSelect Custom DNA Target Enrichment Probes and PacBio’s sequencing by binding (SBB) technology. Additionally, Agilent’s Femto Pulse instrument is recommended for accurate generation of large-insert libraries for de novo large genome sequencing projects and other PacBio applications leveraging multi-kilobase read lengths.

Golden Helix

Golden Helix has been delivering industry-leading bioinformatics solutions for over a quarter century with thousands of users worldwide. Their software, VarSeq, enables the import and analysis of PacBio HiFi long-read sequencing. This capability facilitates a complete NGS testing suite for research samples with an increased precision and accuracy for variant calling, improved calling of structural variants and CNVs, and higher genomic definition with phasing and short tandem repeat calls.


Qiagen is a partner for PacBio SBB workflows, providing end-to-end targeted sequencing including automation, library prep, and data analysis. Qiagen and PacBio are partnering on cfDNA workflows for the Onso sequencing platform.

Sage Science

Sage Science’s electrophoretic DNA size selection instruments provide user-adjustable DNA size distributions with outstanding rejection of small fragments. Optimally sized SMRTbell® libraries improve HiFi sequencing results, providing better uniformity and higher quality. PacBio recommends three systems for size selection. The BluePippin processes 4 samples with sample inputs up to 5 ug. For higher throughput needs, the PippinHT can process up to 22 samples in a single run. The SageELF (1 or 2 samples per run) fractionates an entire sample into 12 contiguous size bins, provides the most flexibility in sizing, and produces the narrowest size distributions.

Sage Science resources
Technical note

Thermo Scientific

Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ purification instruments automate the extraction of DNA, RNA, proteins, and cells.  KingFisher instruments provide easy-to-follow protocols that remove manual steps and reduce overall processing time and errors associated with sample preparation while increasing the yield reproducibility of your results compared to the manual workflows.  KingFisher instruments are compatible with PacBio® Nanobind® HT kits.

Thermo Scientific resources
Nanobind extraction automation

Twist Bioscience

PacBio has partnered with Twist Bioscience to deliver long-read target enrichment panels. The initial portfolio of products focuses on challenging, medically relevant genes (Dark Genes panel) and pharmacogenomics (Long Read PGx panel). Custom panel capability broadens access to the benefits of long-read HiFi sequencing like accurate variant detection including structural variants and phasing. This partnership also combines the outstanding accuracy of SBB technology with the Twist Exome 2.0 panel: 50x coverage of >80% target bases. By partnering with Twist, PacBio can deliver a targeted sequencing solution that is high throughput and cost-effective while also being supported end-to-end.


Yourgene Health

The LightBench®, powered by Ranger® Technology, is a three-in-one instrument offering automated DNA size selection, fragment length analysis and fluorometric quantification. It isolates size ranges of target DNA with industry-leading recovery and precision. LightBench® excludes smaller fragments, optimizing long read inputs to deliver increased mean HiFi read lengths and data yields for PacBio sequencing platforms. To support an automated PacBio library prep workflow, the LightBench® can be integrated into 3rd party liquid handling systems thanks to its SiLA 2-compliant API.

Yourgene resources
Technical note

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