The environment, including farms, might act as a reservoir for mobile colistin resistance (mcr) genes, which has led to calls for reduction of usage in livestock of colistin, an antibiotic of last resort for humans.To establish the molecular epidemiology of mcr Enterobacteriaceae from faeces of two cohorts of pigs, where one group had initially been treated with colistin and the other not, over a 5?month period following stoppage of colistin usage on a farm in Great Britain; faecal samples were also taken at ~20?months.mcr-1 Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from positive faeces and was WGS performed; conjugation was performed on selected Escherichia coli and colistin MICs were determined.E. coli of diverse ST harbouring mcr-1 and multiple resistance genes were isolated over 5?months from both cohorts. Two STs, from treated cohorts, contained both mcr-1 and mcr-3 plasmids, with some isolates also harbouring multiple copies of mcr-1 on different plasmids. The mcr-1 plasmids grouped into four Inc types (X4, pO111, I2 and HI2), with mcr-3 found in IncP. Multiple copies of mcr plasmids did not have a noticeable effect on colistin MIC, but they could be transferred simultaneously to a Salmonella host in vitro. Neither mcr-1 nor mcr-3 was detected in samples collected ~20?months after colistin cessation.We report for the first known time on the presence in Great Britain of mcr-3 from MDR Enterobacteriaceae, which might concurrently harbour multiple copies of mcr-1 on different plasmids. However, control measures, including stoppage of colistin, can successfully mitigate long-term on-farm persistence.
Journal: The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy
DOI: 10.1093/jac/dky292
Year: 2018