Thermophiles are organisms that grow optimally at 50?°C-80?°C and studies on the survival mechanisms of thermophiles have drawn great attention. Bacillus manusensis S50-6 is the type strain of a new thermophilic species isolated from hydrothermal vent in Manus Basin. In this study, we examined the growth and global responses of S50-6 to high temperature on molecular level using multi-omics method (genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics). S50-6 grew optimally at 50?°C (Favorable, F) and poorly at 65?°C (Non-Favorable, NF); it formed spores at F but not at NF condition. At NF condition, S50-6 formed long filaments containing undivided cells. A total of 1621 proteins were identified at F and NF conditions, and 613 proteins were differentially expressed between F and NF. At NF condition, proteins of glycolysis, rRNA mature and modification, and DNA/protein repair were up-regulated, whereas proteins of sporulation and amino acid/nucleotide metabolism were down-regulated. Consistently, many metabolites associated with amino acid and nucleotide metabolic processes were down-regulated at NF condition. Our results revealed molecular strategies of deep-sea B. manusensis to survive at unfavorable high temperature and provided new insights into the thermotolerant mechanisms of thermophiles. SIGNIFICANCE: In this study, we systematically characterized the genomic, proteomic and metabolomic profiles of a thermophilic deep-sea Bacillus manusensis under different temperatures. Based on these analysis, we propose a model delineating the global responses of B. manusensis to unfavorable high temperature. Under unfavorable high temperature, glycolysis is a more important energy supply pathway; protein synthesis is subjected to more stringent regulation by increased tRNA modification; protein and DNA repair associated proteins are enhanced in production to promote heat survival. In contrast, energy-costing pathways, such as sporulation, are repressed, and basic metabolic pathways, such as amino acid and nucleotide metabolisms, are slowed down. Our results provide new insights into the thermotolerant mechanisms of thermophilic Bacillus.Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Journal: Journal of proteomics
DOI: 10.1016/j.jprot.2019.103380
Year: 2019