The rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) is one of the most economically valuable marine fish in East Asia, and due to various environmental factors, there is substantial revenue loss in the production sector. Therefore, knowledge of its genome is required to uncover the genetic factors and the solutions to these problems. In this study, we constructed the first draft genome of O. fasciatus as a reference for the family Oplegnathidae. The genome size is estimated to be 749?Mb, and it was assembled into 766?Mb by combining Illumina and PacBio sequences. A total of 24,053 transcripts (23,338 genes) are predicted, and among those transcripts, 23,362 (97%), are annotated with functional terms. Finally, the completeness of the genome assembly was assessed by CEGMA, which resulted in the complete mapping of 220 (88.7%) core genes in the genome. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first draft genome for the family Oplegnathidae.
Journal: Scientific data
DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2018.234
Year: 2018