Contiguity is interactive software for the visualization and manipulation of de novo genome assemblies. 14 Contiguity creates and displays information on contig adjacency which is contextualized by the 15 simultaneous display of a comparison between assembled contigs and reference sequence. Where 16 scaffolders allow unambiguous connections between contigs to be resolved into a single scaffold, 17 Contiguity allows the user to create all potential scaffolds in ambiguous regions of the genome. This 18 enables the resolution of novel sequence or structural variants from the assembly. In addition, 19 Contiguity provides a sequencing and assembly agnostic approach for the creation of contig adjacency 20 graphs. To maximize the number of contig adjacencies determined, Contiguity combines information 21 from read pair mappings, sequence overlap and De Bruijn graph exploration. We demonstrate how 22 highly sensitive graphs can be achieved using this method. Contig adjacency graphs allow the user to 23 visualize potential arrangements of contigs in unresolvable areas of the genome. By combining 24 adjacency information with comparative genomics, Contiguity provides an intuitive approach for 25 exploring and improving sequence assemblies. It is also useful in guiding manual closure of long read 26 sequence assemblies. Contiguity is an open source application, implemented using Python and the 27 Tkinter GUI package that can run on any Unix, OSX and Windows operating system. It has been 28 designed and optimized for bacterial assemblies. Contiguity is available at 29 .
Journal: PeerJ preprints
DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.1037v1
Year: 2015