Explore HiFi genome demo datasets on the Vega benchtop system
You can now bring highly accurate HiFi sequencing in-house with the power of the Vega system. HiFi long-read sequencing improves discovery of difficult-to-detect variants involved in human disease that are challenging or impossible to detect with short reads1. See what you might be missing by exploring the human HG002 (NA24385) dataset sequenced on the Vega system.
Key metrics for the demo dataset
- Industry-leading accuracy delivers long-read results you can trust
- Powerful insights: 20x HiFi long-read human genome
- Data equivalence: Ensures consistency between Vega and Revio systems
Industry-leading accuracy delivers long-read results you can trust
Built on proven HiFi technology and compatible with existing workflows, the Vega system brings powerful, reliable insights straight to your lab. The figure shows the read quality distribution with a median read quality of Q33 and with 90% of bases Q30 or higher. This level of accuracy is on par with standard short read technologies2 but with read lengths over 100 times longer, averaging 19.63 kb per HiFi read.

Powerful insights: 20x HiFi long-read genome
With best-in-class accuracy and long read lengths, HiFi sequencing delivers high-quality variant detection performance, even at just 20x coverage3—far surpassing other technologies like nanopore and SBS short-read sequencing, as shown in the figure. Want to explore more about what it means to generate a 20x HiFi long-read genome?

Vega shares same high-quality HiFi data as Revio
The Vega system delivers the same industry-leading accuracy as Revio but in a compact benchtop system. Shown in the figure, the HG002 human genome sequenced by the Vega and Revio systems, results in 90% of bases at Q30 or higher, with long reads that provide a full view from telomere to telomere. Whether you’re uncovering complex regions vital to disease research or detecting structural variants and repeat expansions, Vega is the essential tool you need for genomic exploration.
HiFi genome workflow
Sample prep
DNA extraction with Nanobind PanDNA kit (2 hrs)
Short fragment depletion with short read eliminator kits (SRE), if necessary (2.5 hrs)
DNA shearing to 15 – 20 kb length. (8 to 30 min)
Vega system sequencing (24 hours)
On-instrument primary analysis:
- HiFi base calling
- 5mCpG calling
- Demultiplexing secondary analysis
Secondary analysis using on-premise or cloud services:
- SMRT Link analysis tools and data utilities
- 5mCpG calling
- PacBio WGS Variant Pipeline (human)
- Höps W., et al. (2024). HiFi long-read genomes for difficult-to-detect clinically relevant variants. medRxiv, 2024-09.
- https://www.illumina.com/systems/sequencing-platforms/novaseq-x-plus/specifications.html
- Kolesnikov A., et al. (2024) Local read haplotagging enables accurate long-read small variant calling. Nature Communications,15, 5907.
- HG002 T2T draft genome benchmark: https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ReferenceSamples/giab/data/AshkenazimTrio/analysis/NIST_HG002_DraftBenchmark_defrabbV0.015-20240215/
- Saunders, C., et al. (2024) Sawfish: Improving long-read structural variant discovery and genotyping with local haplotype modeling. bioRxiv, https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.19.608674
- Oxford Nanopore Open Data. https://labs.epi2me.io/giab-2023.05/ Accessed September 2024.
- Behera, S., et al. (2024). Comprehensive and accurate genome analysis at scale using DRAGEN accelerated algorithms. bioRxiv.
- Wagner, J., et al. (2022). Benchmarking challenging small variants with linked and long reads. Cell Genomics, 2(5).
- https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/HiFi-human-WGS-WDL
- Illumina Hap.py framework: https://github.com/Illumina/hap.py