September 22, 2019

Transcriptome profiling in the spathe of Anthurium andraeanum ‘Albama’ and its anthocyanin-loss mutant ‘Xueyu’.

Authors: Li, Zhiying and Wang, Jiabin and Fu, Yunliu and Gao, Yu and Lu, Hunzhen and Xu, Li

Anthurium andraeanum is a popular tropical ornamental plant. Its spathes are brilliantly coloured due to variable anthocyanin contents. To examine the mechanisms that control anthocyanin biosynthesis, we sequenced the spathe transcriptomes of 'Albama', a red-spathed cultivar of A. andraeanum, and 'Xueyu', its anthocyanin-loss mutant. Both long reads and short reads were sequenced. Long read sequencing produced 805,869 raw reads, resulting in 83,073 high-quality transcripts. Short read sequencing produced 347.79?M reads, and the subsequent assembly resulted in 111,674 unigenes. High-quality transcripts and unigenes were quantified using the short reads, and differential expression analysis was performed between 'Albama' and 'Xueyu'. Obtaining high-quality, full-length transcripts enabled the detection of long transcript structures and transcript variants. These data provide a foundation to elucidate the mechanisms regulating the biosynthesis of anthocyanin in A. andraeanum.

Journal: Scientific data
DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2018.247
Year: 2018

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