July 7, 2019

Hybrid assembly with long and short reads improves discovery of gene family expansions.

Authors: Miller, Jason R and Zhou, Peng and Mudge, Joann and Gurtowski, James and Lee, Hayan and Ramaraj, Thiruvarangan and Walenz, Brian P and Liu, Junqi and Stupar, Robert M and Denny, Roxanne and Song, Li and Singh, Namrata and Maron, Lyza G and McCouch, Susan R and McCombie, W Richard and Schatz, Michael C and Tiffin, Peter and Young, Nevin D and Silverstein, Kevin A T

Long-read and short-read sequencing technologies offer competing advantages for eukaryotic genome sequencing projects. Combinations of both may be appropriate for surveys of within-species genomic variation.We developed a hybrid assembly pipeline called "Alpaca" that can operate on 20X long-read coverage plus about 50X short-insert and 50X long-insert short-read coverage. To preclude collapse of tandem repeats, Alpaca relies on base-call-corrected long reads for contig formation.Compared to two other assembly protocols, Alpaca demonstrated the most reference agreement and repeat capture on the rice genome. On three accessions of the model legume Medicago truncatula, Alpaca generated the most agreement to a conspecific reference and predicted tandemly repeated genes absent from the other assemblies.Our results suggest Alpaca is a useful tool for investigating structural and copy number variation within de novo assemblies of sampled populations.

Journal: BMC genomics
DOI: 10.1186/s12864-017-3927-8
Year: 2017

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