April 21, 2020

Complete Genome Sequence of Streptococcus mutans Strain LAB761, Which Harbors Several Bacteriocin Loci, Isolated from a Caries-Active Child in Canada.

Authors: Barbour, Abdelahhad and He, Richard Yi and Gong, Siew-Ging and Lévesque, Céline M

Streptococcus mutans LAB761 has been isolated from dental plaque collected from a child with severe caries. We report here the complete genome sequence of S. mutans strain LAB761, which has a chromosome of 2.0 Mb. The genome sequence reported herein contains several loci encoding double-glycine-motif peptides and lantibiotic and nonlantibiotic bacteriocins.

Journal: Microbiology resource announcements
DOI: 10.1128/MRA.01483-18
Year: 2019

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