A novel species, Flavobacterium kingsejongi WV39, isolated from feces of Antarctic penguins and a type species of the genus Flavobacterium, is yellow because it synthesizes a C40 carotenoid zeaxanthin. The complete genome of F. kingsejongi WV39 is made up of a single circular chromosome (4,224,053bp, 39.8% G+C content). Annotation analysis revealed 3,955 coding sequences, 72 RNAs (18 rRNA+54 tRNA), and five genes involved in zeaxanthin biosynthesis. The key gene encoding ß-carotenoid hydroxylase (CrtZ), which is the last enzyme in the zeaxanthin biosynthetic pathway, was cloned and subjected to complementary analysis in a heterologous E. coli strain. The CrtZ of F. kingsejongi WV39 showed a higher activity than other reported CrtZs. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Journal: Journal of biotechnology
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.11.012
Year: 2018